Thursday, March 10, 2011

Like many suburban moms, I stress about my kids not getting enough vitamin D, spending too much time in front of the TV or playing DS. I wish there were less Wii and more we. So it really does my heart good to see the homemade, low tech, old school fun they've been having here. So far this week they've spent time:

1. Feeding Horses. Papa invites them out twice a day to go with him as he drives around the farm giving the horses their feed.

2. Going on a Treasure Hunt. I told you how some of my best memories were of the treasure hunt my aunt and uncle did for us. So my sister, because she's the best sister ever and awesome in general, put one together for Max and Sarah. Just look at the fun they're having here.

3. Playing Boggle. I so loved playing this game at my grandparents' house with my family when I was a kid. So full circle moment playing now with my kids. We were in fits of laughter over my dad constantly coming up with words we never heard of (e.g. "bene," a prayer or boon. Uh, of course Dad) or trying to pass off words the letters of which weren't actually connected. The surprise was Sarah who I didn't think would be able to play but who held her own with words like "reset" and "tuba."

4. Petting Koalas and Kangaroos. What trip to Australia would be complete without seeing the local flora and fauna?>

5. Building a Hay Fort. Do you remember how much fun it was to build a fort when you were a kid? My sister and I used to use blankets and TV trays. Snow in the winter. I never had anything as awesome as this:

They had been gone a long time and I was just starting to get worried, seeing as how they were out alone with my dad, aka Danger Man (cf. earlier post about how he nearly hit me with his car). But it was the most excited I've seen them so far when they raced in, breathlessly demanding I come out and see what they had made with Papa. They also carved walking sticks and my dad cheerily informed me I would have had a conniption if I had seen what they used to make them. I decided not to ruin it by asking further questions.

So next BBD (as Dad's also known; short for Big Bad Dad) says he's going to teach Max how to shoot tin cans. What do you think? Am I crazy for considering it?

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