Friday, February 20, 2009

5 things I routinely find under my couch cushions

1. Cheerios. Once upon a time I was going to have a no-eating-in-front-of-the-TV rule. Then I decided I wanted to have SOME peace and quiet in the day.

2. Popcorn. And if the kids can do it, so can hubby and I after the kids go to bed.

3. Socks. I mentioned this in the laundry post. My question is: do they fall down there? Or is somebody stuffing them down…

4. Hot Wheels cars. I didn’t even think either of them played with these anymore.

5. ??? Something that’s flattened, darkened and dried out beyond all recognition. Is it a piece of dried fruit? Some kind of chocolate? Dare I … smell it to try and determine its origin?!

1 reasons for living:

Shan said...

I usually find Polly Pocket clothes and markers. I don't even want to discuss what I've found in the kids couch in the toy room. Blech!