Thursday, April 1, 2010

5 impossible kid questions

1. How high can you count? I have never been very good at math. If I had the time to sit around and just count, how high could I go? How many billions in a trillion? What comes after trillion? Is zillion a real number?

2. What’s this song all about, Mom?
(Max, asking about “Mr. Brightside” by the Killers).

Me: Well, it’s about a guy who likes a girl but she likes another guy.
Max: Why does she like another guy?
Me: I don’t know. She just does.
Max: Why doesn’t he find another girl to like?
Me: He just likes her. He doesn’t want to find another one.
Max: Why is he in a cage?
Me: Ummmmmm …

3. Why does the sun follow us everywhere we go? I tried the “it’s really big,” “it’s not really following us” stuff. At three years old, this explanation does not satisfy. It’s big, it’s yellow, I’m looking out the car window and I can see it following me. Everywhere. Why does it do that?

4. Is it tomorrow today? Who knew existentialism would be something that came up in conversation with a five year old? Try answering this: “No, it’s tomorrow tomorrow,” and you’ll get: “Then will it be tomorrow?” So you may say: “No, then tomorrow will be tomorrow,” and after fifteen minutes I’m fairly certain you can reach enlightenment in much the same way as is possible after pondering the Zen koan, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?”

5. What’s the opposite of peanut butter? Um, jam? No peanut butter? Bread?

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