So what, you're saying. Looks perfectly benign. Why is this crazy woman trying to vilify something as harmless as a smiling rocking horse? It's because this is Gumeracha, home of the Biggest Rocking Horse in the World!!!! Look again. See those little dots on the top of it's head? That's us!!! Why?? Why, I ask? Why would someone create this evil thing that children will want to climb thereby forcing their poor acrophobic parent to accompany them on the horrific journey? If I thought climbing down an insanely high structure was hellish, it was only because I hadn't thought to combine it with first watching my two precious babies climbing down an insanely high structure. Here we are going up:

I wish I could have stayed with my mum. This is more my speed.

If you ever find yourself in Gumeracha, South Australia, I would advise avoiding this insanity at all costs. And speaking of costs, I paid two dollars each for this nightmare. Oh, but it was worth it, they gave me this:

And then we went to their petting zoo which was an episode out of When Goats Attack. But that's another story...
2 reasons for living:
Gumeracha? Sounds like spanish for cockroach. Clearly tourist attractions are a bit thin on the ground in South Australia. Next you're going to tell us you visited a giant red rock in the middle of the desert.....
At least you got a certificate for completing the impossible!!!! :o) too funny!!! Krista
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